
  • Establish a connection to a Sui RPC endpoint


    • options: NetworkOrTransport

      configuration options for the API Client

    Returns SuiClient


transport: SuiTransport


  • get [SUI_CLIENT_BRAND](): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • Invoke any RPC method

    Type Parameters

    • T = unknown


    • method: string

      the method to be invoked

    • params: unknown[]

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Runs the transaction block in dev-inspect mode. Which allows for nearly any transaction (or Move call) with any arguments. Detailed results are provided, including both the transaction effects and any return values.

    Returns Promise<DevInspectResults>

  • Get the total coin balance for all coin types, owned by the address owner.


    Returns Promise<CoinBalance[]>

  • Parameters

    • Optional input: {
          descendingOrder?: boolean;
      • Optional descendingOrder?: boolean

    Returns Promise<AllEpochsAddressMetrics>

  • Get the total coin balance for one coin type, owned by the address owner.


    Returns Promise<CoinBalance>

  • Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns information about a given checkpoint


    Returns Promise<Checkpoint>

  • Return the committee information for the asked epoch

    Returns Promise<EpochInfo>

  • Return the committee information for the asked epoch


    Returns Promise<EpochPage>

  • Get the sequence number of the latest checkpoint that has been executed

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns list of top move calls by usage

    Returns Promise<MoveCallMetrics>

  • Getting the reference gas price for the network

    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Returns Promise<undefined | string>

  • Get total number of transactions

    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Return the Validators APYs

    Returns Promise<ValidatorsApy>

  • Batch get details about a list of objects. If any of the object ids are duplicates the call will fail


    Returns Promise<SuiObjectResponse[]>

  • Returns Promise<null | string>

  • Subscribe to get notifications whenever an event matching the filter occurs


    Returns Promise<Unsubscribe>

  • Wait for a transaction block result to be available over the API. This can be used in conjunction with executeTransactionBlock to wait for the transaction to be available via the API. This currently polls the getTransactionBlock API to check for the transaction.


    • __namedParameters: {
          pollInterval?: number;
          signal?: AbortSignal;
          timeout?: number;
      } & GetTransactionBlockParams

    Returns Promise<SuiTransactionBlockResponse>