TypeScript SDK
Transaction Executors

Transaction Executors

The Typescript SDK ships 2 Transaction executor classes that simplify the processes of efficiently executing multiple transactions signed by the same address. These executors help manage object versions and gas coins which significantly reduces the number of requests made to RPC nodes, and for many cases avoids the need to wait for the RPC nodes to index previously executed transactions.


The SerialTransactionExecutor is designed for use in wallet implementations, and dapps where the objects owned by the address executing transactions are unlikely to be changed by transactions not executed through the executor.

To fund transactions, the SerialTransactionExecutor will select all of the senders SUI coins for the first transaction, which will result in a single coin that will then be used as the gas payment on all subsequent transactions. This allows executing multiple transactions, without needing to re-query for gas coins, or wait for the RPC node to index the previous transactions.

To further improve execution efficiency, the SerialTransactionExecutor caches the object versions of every object used or created by a transaction. This will significantly speed up the execution when multiple transactions use the same objects.

SerialTransactionExecutor maintains an internal queue, so you don't need to wait for previous transactions to finish before sending the next one.

import { getFullnodeUrl, SuiClient } from '@mysten/sui/client';
import { SerialTransactionExecutor } from '@mysten/sui/transactions';
const client = new SuiClient({ url: getFullnodeUrl('devnet') });
const executor = new SerialTransactionExecutor({
	signer: yourKeyPair,
const tx1 = new Transaction();
const [coin1] = tx1.splitCoins(tx1.gas, [1]);
tx1.transferObjects([coin1], address1);
const tx2 = new Transaction();
const [coin2] = tx1.splitCoins(tx2.gas, [1]);
tx1.transferObjects([coin2], address2);
const [{ digest: digest1 }, { digest: digest2 }] = await Promise.all([



ParallelTransactionExecutor is experimental and may change rapidly as it is being developed.

The ParallelTransactionExecutor class works similarly to the SerialTransactionExecutor, but allows for parallel execution of transactions. To make this work, the ParallelTransactionExecutor will maintain a pool of gas coins, and automatically execute additional transactions to refill the gas pool as needed.


Using SuiClient or wallets to execute additional transactions while ParallelTransactionExecutor is in use may consume/combine gas coins in the gasPool, causing transactions to fail. This may also result in the coins becoming locked for the remainder of the current epoch, preventing them from being used in future transactions.

Running multiple instances of ParallelTransactionExecutor using the same sourceCoins will result in the same issues.

In addition to managing gas and caching object versions, the ParallelTransactionExecutor will automatically detect what objects are being used by transactions, and schedules transactions in a way that avoids conflicts between transactions using the same object ids.

ParallelTransactionExecutor can be configured with a number of options:

  • client: An instance of SuiClient used to execute transactions.
  • signer: The signer/keypair used for signed transactions.
  • coinBatchSize: The maximum number of new coins to create when refilling the gas pool (default 20)
  • initialCoinBalance: The balance of new coins created for the gas pool in MIST (default 200_000_000n),
  • minimumCoinBalance: After executing a transaction, the the gasCoin will be reused unless it's balance is below this value (default 50_000_000n),
  • maxPoolSize: The maximum number of gas coins to keep in the gas pool, which also limits the maximum number of concurrent transactions (default 50),
  • sourceCoins`: An array of coins to use to create the gas pool, defaults to using all coins owned by the signer.
import { getFullnodeUrl, SuiClient } from '@mysten/sui/client';
import { ParallelTransactionExecutor } from '@mysten/sui/transactions';
const client = new SuiClient({ url: getFullnodeUrl('devnet') });
const executor = new ParallelTransactionExecutor({
	signer: yourKeyPair,
const tx1 = new Transaction();
const [coin1] = tx1.splitCoins(tx1.gas, [1]);
tx1.transferObjects([coin1], address1);
const tx2 = new Transaction();
const [coin2] = tx1.splitCoins(tx2.gas, [1]);
tx1.transferObjects([coin2], address2);
const [{ digest: digest1 }, { digest: digest2 }] = await Promise.all([

Building and Executing Transactions with Executors

The executor classes will significantly improve efficiency when executing multiple transactions, but to get the best results there are some best practices to follow:

When building transactions, always prefer using unresolved object IDs rather than specifying the full id/version/digest for an object input (eg use tx.object(id) rather than tx.objectRef({ objectId, version, digest })). By doing this, you allow the executor to use object versions and digests from the cache, and will avoid executing transactions using stale object versions.

If the signer executes transactions that are not sent through the executor that may cause transactions to fail. The executor classes will handle this by invalidating the cache for any objects used in the transaction, so you will often be able to recover by re-trying a failed transaction once. If it was caused by a stale cache, it should succeed on the second execution.